24.06.2019 in Wieden: Women!

erstellt am: 06.05.2019 | von: Gerhard Waiz | Kategorie(n): Uncategorized

100 years of women’s suffrage in Austria.

With the proclamation of the Republic of Austria on 12 November 1918, women in Austria also received the universal and equal right to vote, which they were able to exercise for the first time at the elections to the Constituent National Assembly in February 1919.

This anniversary is a wonderful occasion for us to play a programme exclusively with female composers this time. For a long time female composers had to struggle with the same prejudices as all women who could not and/or did not want to comply with traditional role clichés. Mild to pitifully smiled at, subtly suppressed and, if necessary, vehemently fought back, only a few women succeeded in gaining recognition and recognition. Some things have improved over the years, but not least the current #metoo debate shows that we are still a long way from real equality today.

For our programme we have chosen female composers from the 19th century to the present, from different countries and with different backgrounds, who, despite all prejudices and resistance, have gone their way and above all have one thing in common: They wrote and write incredibly good music!
