With several concerts we celebrate the 100th birthay of the Austrian Republic.
100 years ago out of the catastrophy of World War I the Austrian Republic was founded. Times were hard and instable then and Austria wasn’t a “desired child”, so it didn’t exist very long. IIn 1934 the republic was destroyed by civil war and Austro-fascism followed by Nazi-occupation in 1938 and Worls War II. Only after the reestablishment in 1945 Austria became a stable democracy. Political consensus, social balance and economic growth made the Second Republic a success and finally a wealthy member of the EU.
In our concerts we perform music from the early years of the republic, but also works of contemporary composers. Most particular attention we give to those composers who were expelled in 1938 an forgotten after 1945.
Back then as well as today we find a fascinating artistic range, which can only be indicated in the works selected. But the variety 100 years ago was the result of insecurity, despair and social changes, while today it is the sign of an open and globally interconnected society. As we can learn of the history of our republic this openness and freedom are by no means granted, which we should never forget.